Apr 3, 2020
Written by David S. Dear, producer of A Ninth World Journal as the Narrator https://ninthworldjournal.com
Featuring: Shannon Perry of Oz 9 as Kennedy https://oz-9.com
Karin Heimdahl, producer of Y2K as Johnsonivowitz https://y2kpod.com
Kyle Jones, producer of Discussing Network as the Chief https://www.discussingnetwork.com
TRANSCRIPT NARRATOR Last time on Bagels and Brunettes...
CHIEF (speaking as if a cigarette is in his mouth) Kennedy and Johnsonivowitz, your case loads are falling way behind. You need to
KENNEDY Are you smoking, Chief? I thought you quit smoking...
CHIEF I did, but you know...
JOHNSONIVOWITZ Did you take that pack of cigarettes out of the evidence bag?
CHIEF You have no idea how hard it is to quit, Johnsonivowitz.
KENNEDY Hey Chief, can I bum one of those off of you?
Music is "Hot Pursuit" by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/